Isn't this THE most beautiful baby bedding you've ever seen!? I need a sweet baby girl to put in that crib! hehe
The best part? It's 100% organic cotton and Fair Trade! Wooot! :) Not like I need it or have the money for it, but a girl can dream, right? lol
Sorry I haven't posted in awhile for the 3 of you that still read my blog. lol My life has been crazy, hectic, and insane. School is taking over my life, desk, and brain and I have no room for anything else. *sigh* Seven more months to go! I'm so excited!
I actually do have a few scrappy things to share so once I get them off my camera and onto my computer I'll share them. :)
Hope you guys are doing well!
i LOVE THIS!! You DO need a sweet baby girl to put in it and to marry my crazy boy sammy...if he is anything like his daddy, your girl will have a great husband and father!! So, get to bakin one god's sake!!!
Keep counting those days. You will make it.
I agree, that is super cute baby bedding that just begs for a baby to be resting her head on.
WOW....that is gorgeous bedding...i do have a little girl....now just need the bedding!!
Why can't they make it in adult sizes so that we can have fun with it!!!
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