

Wanna see what I got in the mail!?

Mmm hmmm. You're jealous. ;) (And yes, I know the picture is bad...that's what you get when your camera is busted and your car is busted and fixing one trumps fixing the other...so I had to take the picture with my phone. Whatevs.)

Are you NOT in love with all the pirate goodness?
This completely awesome chick (whose name happens to be Martha...coincidence? I think not) made this completely awesome layout and I emailed her posthaste to see if I could copy her "savvy" idea. I LOVED it.

If you didn't know, my son is addicted to pirates, and I had to know where she got those awesome stamps and rather than simply tell me she sent me all this goodness in the mail! :) How cool is that?! Cool I tell you!

So now I'm waiting until Scrapbooking on QVC is over so I can go downstairs and scrap my life away with my new goodies! Thank you Martha!!!


Unknown said...

Sweeet Goodness!!! Which one to fix would have been a tough choice for me!!! LOL!!!

Angela said...

Very cool!

Martha Bonneau said...

Yeah! So glad all the pirate goodies made it to you..aaarrrgggh :)
