

OMG *please* tell me you've heard of Etsy. It's like ebay but everything is handmade by completely talented artists who sell their goods. So I guess it's more like an online flea market or something. It's awesome! :) Some of the goodies I've found so far:

Made by this user.

This little guy made by this talented gal.

There is SO much fun stuff at this place, I just can't stop looking! So head over to Etsy if you get a chance. You won't be disappointed, I promise. ;)



I just found this cool thing on another scrapper's website and thought it was pretty cool. I'd say it's a little accurate. What'd you think?


You give your love and friendship unconditionally. You enjoy long, thoughtful conversations rich in philosophy and spirituality. You are very loyal and intuitive.

Find out your color at QuizMeme.com!


Yes, it's late, but I'm up.

So I'm gonna post, dangit. ;)

I'm on a mission. A mission to convince my hubby-pie that cloth diapers are better than disposables. This is just one step for me of many in my personal/family crusade to help change the environment. Did you know it can take up to 500 years for a disposable diaper to completely biodegrade? 500 years! Dude, that means that the diapers I chucked while B was little won't biodegrade until his children's children have children...and then some! I-N-S-A-N-E!

So as I'm sitting here trying to convince Davey that we NEED these cloth diapers:

(I mean, doesn't it look soft??) He kind of makes a good point...If we're trying to protect the environment by nixing disposables, isn't it kind of pointless if we just increase our water consumption to WASH these cloth ones?

Now, as good a point as that sounds, there are so many factors involved than whether or not you're using too much water. First of all, these diapers won't end up in landfills and leach chemicals that keep them from leaking into the water/environment. These little babies are made of 100% natural bamboo which is soft and natural. It's grown without pesticides and is the next best thing to letting your baby go nakey. ;) So it's really a trade off when it comes to washing these vs. chucking the others.

So, after this long, blabbing post I guess my point is that I kinda convinced Davey to let us try out cloth. ;) If you have any pointers for me, feel free to drop me a line!



I love tuna. Tuna steak, tuna sushi rolls, and tuna in a can. As I type this I'm eating an amazing tuna sandwich made with mayo that's made with canola oil instead of vegetable oil and it's quite tasty! Canola oil is better for your ticker anyway, so I'm glad I like it. ;)

Dave and I are both determined to whittle our waistlines down so today I'm starting back on a full time regimen of eating properly and exercising. I've already walked for 40 minutes today on the treadmill Chris & Jenn let us borrow (thanks, guys!) and I'm eating well today with lots of protein and fruits/veggies. I'm doing ok today, but let's just hope I can keep it up tomorrow. ;)

Dave and I took our waist measurements last night and let's just say that mine wasn't pretty. I knew it would be high, but dear lord. It was INSANELY high! I have a lot of work to do. A normal woman's waist should be 32" or less. 35" or less for a man. Mine = not 32" or less. Mine = 32" or more. Trust me. It's bad. So. I decided that today is the LAST time (unless I get pregnant again ;)) that my waist will be what it is right now. I don't want diabetes, I don't want heart problems, and I want to like the way I look. So, wish me luck! :)



Ok, I don't believe in horoscopes and all that stuff, but how cool is mine for today?

Don't be surprised if you have bursts of inspiration today, STEPHANIE. You can expect to be especially efficient, and your imagination will conjure up all sorts of new and interesting ideas for projects. Since you are highly intuitive right now, communication will be open and congenial. You are so receptive to the thoughts of others that you are able to anticipate their needs. Not surprisingly, this makes you popular indeed!

Cool, huh? :) So maybe I should get some scrapping, laundry, card-making, dishes, and unpacking done. What'd ya think?

So since I've had some time to get some stuff done (what with school being out and all) I ran by Barnes and Noble yesterday to use a gift card that I got for my birthday and decided to pick up a book I'd been eyeing.

How happy does this guy look? :) I wanna be that happy. I wanna know what's making him so happy. He's a yogi. Doesn't he look sublime-like? I'm going to read his book, learn how to practice what he teaches, and go from there. I need inner peace. I went to lunch with my Mamma yesterday and she asked me what inner peace meant. I couldn't give her an answer. I don't know exactly how to explain it, but I know I want it. I'm thinking it's a calmness with yourself that only you can understand and achieve. It's probably a different experience/feeling for each individual person, but I'd like to be able to attain it myself. I'm too tense lately and I don't like it. So, I'll keep you posted.

I also just got back from visiting our friends down in North Carolina...playing with their gorgeous little 4 week old baby and just hanging out. It was very relaxing and we had a great time. :) It was good to see them. Good to NOT have to do homework while I was down there. lol.

But I'm back today and I think I'm planning on getting some scrappy things done. I haven't created much in awhile and I miss it. If I get something done I'll be sure to post it. ;)


The Green House!

How cool is this?!

The Green House

There's an exhibit in DC through June 24 highlighting a house built entirely from non-toxic, sustainable products. You can walk through the house, learn about the products, and then stick around for lectures about incorporating these building ideas into your own life. Awesome! I am SO there! :)


Poor little guy.

Man. I hate that I have to do this to my little guy. This picture was taken a few months ago, but I've had to give him one treatment so far today. He's had a pretty nasty cough since yesterday and we've given him his Claritin and Albuterol. Poor little man. :(

He's taking it like a trooper, though, and is in the living room laying around and watching Monster House. :) In true boy fashion. Sweet thing.


Particle Man

Ok, I know this is post like 944950394504935 today, but I LOVE YouTube, dangit.


How cute is this little store?

Isn't it adorable?? It's a little stamp shop in Missouri. It's darling! It looks like a little cottage. :) Too bad Missour is so far from me, 'cause I wanna go! They burn yummy smelly candles while you shop...heaven!

I snagged this from the
A-Muse-a-palooza blog. If you haven't already you should really head over there...you know you wanna! ;)

Have a great Monday!

Lazy Sunday

O.M.G. this video is HYSTERICAL! *snort*

p.s. Love you, Xan!

Want to annoy yourself or your friends?

Then click HERE!

Good luck.

Hope you have a few hours to spare.



While taking your own coffee mug with you to your favorite coffee spot (mine = Starbucks) is loads better for the planet, this neat little thing can replace the cardboard sleeves you get with your favorite hot drink saving trees and making you look cool! ;)

Plus, it's reversible and you save money if you buy 2! ;)


Check me out!

As "potential Ambassador" I put myself on the map, BAYBEE! :)

Check it!



For real. How cool is this idea...
An entire website/blog/"palooza" dedicated to nothing more than the awesome craft of stamping! Isn't that awesome?! Seriously. Check out A Muse's awesome stamping extravaganza site! Looking at the pic above I'm sure you're thinking..."huh? But it's only May!" Yea, well, the coolio folks over at A Muse decided that instead of making us insanely addicted scrappers/stampers wait for July that they would have an entire 2 month party leading up to the big shabang in July! COOL, huh? :)
So you're probably wondering where you come in regarding all this, huh? Well, an awesome part of the A Muse fun is that for their Amuseapalooza they will be picking an A Muse ambassador. In other words, if you're the biggest of all lovers of A Muse you get a MAD gift prize of $250 in A Muse products and a sweet t-shirt! I neeeeed both of these things. Really, I do. Why, you ask? Well, several reasons, but right now, my answers are 1) I'm massively in love with the preciousness that IS A muse stamps and 2) I'm super broke what with being in nursing school and can't afford to buy myself the pretty pretty A muse goodness. So if you can find it within your lovely hearts to register at A Muse and put my name as your referral person, well...you can be guaranteed a card once I win my A Muse goodies. :) Simply follow this link and register. You'll (I'll) be glad you did! :)

p.s. How CUH-UTE is this little A Muse image?? My friend Jennifer Pebbles made it! Cute, no!? :)
