A few years ago before I started nursing school Dave and I were in the dollar store and I found this little plastic guy with actual innards. We're talking differently colored organs that you could take out and look at. Seriously, it was the best $1 I've ever spent. I was so dang happy to have found that little guy! (My story has a point, I swear) So I took him home, named him Darwin ('cause it sounded cool) and he has sat on my desk ever since.
So today while I'm working on a case study for clinicals Bradley hops up on my desk and wants to play with Darwin. Enter my teaching opportunity. We open up Darwin and spill out his guts. ;) Cool, huh? I pick each piece up and tell him what it is, what it's called, and how it works....in 3 year old terms, of course. I'm not going to get into the cells and hormones and all that jazz with him quite yet. So I go through all the organs and as I hold up each one he tells me what they look like to him. With a straight face. Very matter of fact. Seriously, it cracked me up. So I figured I had to share with the world what the human body is actually composed of. So here, ladies and gentlemen, is your daily anatomy lesson:
2. Large Intestines: Ladies and gentlemen, this is nothing more than an ordinary sea turtle.
3. Heart: This is actually a heart. So that's good. At least we can still pump blood to the sea turtle and the strawberry and all that jazz.
4. Spleen/pancreas: A blueberry.
5. Bladder: This does not hold urine. It is a lemon.
6. Liver: This is actually a piece of Bradley's shirt that got torn off.
7. Stomach: A whale. Who'd of thunk it?
8. Trachea: It's a sword. Duh.
9. Kidneys: Another blueberry.
10. Lungs: Ok, I won't tell you what he said they were at first, but if you have any kind of an imagination I'm pretty sure you can guess. ;) His second answer was an orange. So I'll stick with that. lol
So there you have it. Our body is a fantastic web of fruit, swords, shirts, and sea mammals! Coolio!
too stinking cute!
How funny!!
totally funny!
Also- SoyBaby- CUTE!!!
Your kid is way smart Stephanie...loved this entry!!
Very cute. He does know his stuff.
Seriously...I have sat here laughing my butt off so hard because I can totally see B describing all that to you just matter of factly! :) He is precious! Funny boy! i cannot wait to see him again! I am sure Sam and him will have a blast!!!-love ya all! JENN J
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