If all goes well and I get accepted into the nursing program in the fall, I start classes in August. *AUGUST*. That's 3 months away. That means in 3 months, when I start clinicals that I'll be semi-responsible for someone elses life. A lot of someone elses lives. Yikes.
What if I don't remember what I learned in A&P? What if I screw up? What if? What if? What if? ACK! Ok, well I'm just going to stop thinking about it 'cause I haven't even gotten an acceptance letter yet. lol. I have to chill. ;)
Changing the subject... I got my new scrapologie kit a few days ago and have been picking it apart and playing with it. I seriously love that kit club! One of the coolest things about it is that Sara Winnick is a DT member over there. She is so insanely talented and knows her way around some scrapping supplies, let me tell ya. ;) Her photography is amazing, her personality is amazing, her kids are amazing, her house is amazing (I'm not a stalker, I swear...she had pics of her house on her blog. Scouts honor). She's the scrapper you admire and wish you could emulate when it comes time for you to scrap. The one where you sit down, look at your pics and supplies and go "ok, now how would Sara Winnick approach this?" heh. I wonder if she'd let me call her so I can ask her the next time that I scrap if she wouldn't mind helping me with a layout. ;) What'd ya think?
And now...for a few fun pictures...just 'cause. ;) Aren't these action shots cool? I'm trying to learn more about my camera so I can actually learn to take decent pics a la Sara W. ;) heh.
Oh your pics are CUTE!!!! Good job!
You will be a great nurse. Relax and take it one day at a time. Your ds is such a cutie:)
you silly! :P
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