

I'm so frustrated today. I have a huge headache, my stomach is KILLING me, my back hurts, I have school tonight and I forgot ALL of my stuff at home, I hate my job, I'm BEYOND exhausted, my poor little boy has an ear infection and I have to be here (read: work) instead of at home taking care of him, and just so many other things that my brain is at maximum capacity.

Do you ever have those days? Where nothing goes right. Where you compare yourself to everybody else and think "wow, they have it made...my life/day/mood, etc. sucks". Well, today's one of those days. And I can't seem to get out of that funk, ya know? Maybe a trip to Starbux on my way to school will help. ;) heh. Or the fact that my very best girly friend is coming to visit me in 2 days!!!!! I'm BEYOND excited about that! We have so much planned and I just can't wait to go pick her up from the airport! We're gonna hit Starbux tomorrow morning, too so I'll be extra hyped up. heh

But man, this day is blah. I hope it passes. Maybe I'll see if I can get something scrapped tonight. That might help. Which is another thing. Scrapping. I am having THE most difficult time defining myself as a scrapper. I *love* all things simple, but I also love the look of product that looks like it was just tossed perfectly onto the page, ya know? And I can't seem to get a grasp of either. There was a challenge on
2peas to help with design and I was all about it. Until school hit. And I can't escape it. I have so much homework I practically have A&P coming out of my eyes! It's nuts. So I'm going to sit down after this class is over and redo all of the challenges to see if I can't define my style and embrace it, ya know? So wish me luck. ;)

On a cool note, I found a new pea to stalk. lol She's hysterical and her work is AMAZING! Make sure you check her out. ;) Michelle (burberrygirl)


Jenn said...

YAY!!! I am the very best girly friend coming up and I am sooo flippin excited...it is gonna be saweet!!! And I hope your day/week gets better steph...I will be there soon and you can just relax and let the troubles go like there were none..I will help you with that...LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! see you SOON!!!!

Sarah said...

You're really gonna enjoy girl friend time then, aren't you you poor thing!

I hope today was a better day!!!
