If so, I've made ONE final move. For now. lol
Come visit me!
Holy moly, I'm a blog slacker
A month without a post? Whoa. Not abnormal, but certainly not ok! lol
So, I'll get a little update going. We had a GREAT Christmas! Both my sister and my brother came to Virginia from California and they got to stay with us for the first few days they were here. We had SO much fun! Ian also brought his girlfriend, Teryn, who is this sweet, funny, down-to-earth girl. She is SO perfect for my brother. Ahhh, young love. heh ;) So we did the usual Christmas-y stuff: Christmas Eve at Dave's parent's house in the morning and my Aunt Valerie's house in the evening, and Christmas day at my mom's with the kids and my grandma. This year we did something a little different at my mom's house as far as presents go. My mom gave each of us kids a $25 gift card to Michael's as well as the name of someone else in the family. The idea was that we go to Michael's and use the money to buy something that we could make for that person and that would be our present to them. Of course every year my mom also does stockings for each of us (including those married into the family and dating us) and includes some of the coolest, unique things. Example...in my grandma's stocking this year she put a pair of racing grannies. Yes, racing grannies:

Isn't that awesome!? lol You literally wind them up, put them down on the ground, and watch them go! Totally awesome. And also, if you look closely, they're um...anatomically correct from the waist up. Bwahaha!
I also got the most incredibly awesome sock monkey slippers along with monkey tissues, a pen, and tons of other goodies (B's nickname is monkey if you didn't already know).
And then, for the piece de resistance. The kids and I got together and decided that we wanted to make a little collage for my mom. We had to put my childhood dog, Cassie, down last year and we wanted to get a little memorial for my mom because they were so close. She was my mom's best friend. So we got her this:

And we got THIS awesome reaction from her:

Ahh! Couldn't have asked for better! It's a 16 x 20 photo of Cassie made up of tons of pictures of us as kids, us now, pictures of Cassie from when she was alive, and other pictures of our family. I mean, this thing was truly amazing! THIS is why I love Christmas and buying presents for other people. I love getting an honest to goodness, gut-wrenching reaction from people, KNOWING that they love it. It makes my heart happy. :)
And my favorite present from Christmas this year? This gleaming, heavy, wonderful, perfect piece of metal from Aunt and her family:

*Squeal* Isn't it beautiful!? I've been coveting and dreaming about owning this beauty and now it's mine! It's actually mine! I'm so glad my Aunt works at Williams-Sonoma! hehe She also gave us a wonderful, heavy-duty set of chili bowls and a jar of chili starter along with it, so guess what we had for dinner last week? ;) It was SO good and I seriously got giddy using this pot. lol I'm not even kidding you. What was even better is that AFTER I made the chili my sweet hubby cleaned the pot for me! Mmm hmmm. Perfection. *sigh*
Alrighty...so aside from Christmas I've also been busy preparing my design team entry for Create my Keepsake. All non-scrappy people, prepare to be confused. This site is totally awesome and all the scrappy ladies on it are wonderful! Their monthly kits are to DIE for! No kidding...they're thoughtfully put together and chock FULL of great scrappy goods. So when the DT call for 2008 went out I thought about trying out for oh, I dunno...3 seconds and then promptly began preparing my entry. Heh. We had to design one layout, one card, and one altered item. And here are my designs in all their scrappy glory.
This was my altered item (a 16 x 20 canvas). Actually, this is the gift we made for Dave's parents for Christmas, but no one besides the family had seen it and it fit the call perfectly so I used it. ;)

This was my layout entry. I used a picture of my niece, Samantha, that I'd been wanting to scrap since she'd been born (um, 2.5 years ago...lol) and didn't really know what to do with. I totally whipped this one up in like MAYBE 15 minutes and I LOVE how it turned out!

And this was my card entry. We had to use an everyday object in a unique way and I chose a couple of objects, actually. I used a photo corner for her skirt, metal swirls for her hair, and I cut some American Crafts stars in half for her crown. :)

Soooooooooo is that like the LONGEST blog post from me in history or what!? ;) I'll be back soon to update some more, but this is the last week before school starts so I'm also planning on studying a bit. LAST SEMESTER BAYBEEEEEEEEEEE!! Wish me luck!
So, I'll get a little update going. We had a GREAT Christmas! Both my sister and my brother came to Virginia from California and they got to stay with us for the first few days they were here. We had SO much fun! Ian also brought his girlfriend, Teryn, who is this sweet, funny, down-to-earth girl. She is SO perfect for my brother. Ahhh, young love. heh ;) So we did the usual Christmas-y stuff: Christmas Eve at Dave's parent's house in the morning and my Aunt Valerie's house in the evening, and Christmas day at my mom's with the kids and my grandma. This year we did something a little different at my mom's house as far as presents go. My mom gave each of us kids a $25 gift card to Michael's as well as the name of someone else in the family. The idea was that we go to Michael's and use the money to buy something that we could make for that person and that would be our present to them. Of course every year my mom also does stockings for each of us (including those married into the family and dating us) and includes some of the coolest, unique things. Example...in my grandma's stocking this year she put a pair of racing grannies. Yes, racing grannies:

Isn't that awesome!? lol You literally wind them up, put them down on the ground, and watch them go! Totally awesome. And also, if you look closely, they're um...anatomically correct from the waist up. Bwahaha!
I also got the most incredibly awesome sock monkey slippers along with monkey tissues, a pen, and tons of other goodies (B's nickname is monkey if you didn't already know).
And then, for the piece de resistance. The kids and I got together and decided that we wanted to make a little collage for my mom. We had to put my childhood dog, Cassie, down last year and we wanted to get a little memorial for my mom because they were so close. She was my mom's best friend. So we got her this:

And we got THIS awesome reaction from her:

Ahh! Couldn't have asked for better! It's a 16 x 20 photo of Cassie made up of tons of pictures of us as kids, us now, pictures of Cassie from when she was alive, and other pictures of our family. I mean, this thing was truly amazing! THIS is why I love Christmas and buying presents for other people. I love getting an honest to goodness, gut-wrenching reaction from people, KNOWING that they love it. It makes my heart happy. :)
And my favorite present from Christmas this year? This gleaming, heavy, wonderful, perfect piece of metal from Aunt and her family:

*Squeal* Isn't it beautiful!? I've been coveting and dreaming about owning this beauty and now it's mine! It's actually mine! I'm so glad my Aunt works at Williams-Sonoma! hehe She also gave us a wonderful, heavy-duty set of chili bowls and a jar of chili starter along with it, so guess what we had for dinner last week? ;) It was SO good and I seriously got giddy using this pot. lol I'm not even kidding you. What was even better is that AFTER I made the chili my sweet hubby cleaned the pot for me! Mmm hmmm. Perfection. *sigh*
Alrighty...so aside from Christmas I've also been busy preparing my design team entry for Create my Keepsake. All non-scrappy people, prepare to be confused. This site is totally awesome and all the scrappy ladies on it are wonderful! Their monthly kits are to DIE for! No kidding...they're thoughtfully put together and chock FULL of great scrappy goods. So when the DT call for 2008 went out I thought about trying out for oh, I dunno...3 seconds and then promptly began preparing my entry. Heh. We had to design one layout, one card, and one altered item. And here are my designs in all their scrappy glory.
This was my altered item (a 16 x 20 canvas). Actually, this is the gift we made for Dave's parents for Christmas, but no one besides the family had seen it and it fit the call perfectly so I used it. ;)
This was my layout entry. I used a picture of my niece, Samantha, that I'd been wanting to scrap since she'd been born (um, 2.5 years ago...lol) and didn't really know what to do with. I totally whipped this one up in like MAYBE 15 minutes and I LOVE how it turned out!
And this was my card entry. We had to use an everyday object in a unique way and I chose a couple of objects, actually. I used a photo corner for her skirt, metal swirls for her hair, and I cut some American Crafts stars in half for her crown. :)
Soooooooooo is that like the LONGEST blog post from me in history or what!? ;) I'll be back soon to update some more, but this is the last week before school starts so I'm also planning on studying a bit. LAST SEMESTER BAYBEEEEEEEEEEE!! Wish me luck!
I'm dreaming of a GREEN Christmas!
LOL! Sorry. It's cheesy, I know, but I couldn't HELP myself! ;)
What do I mean by GREEN Christmas? Well, in this case I mean we've greened our tree. Meaning that this year, rather than chop a tree down or buy a plastic one (sorry, but PVCs skeeve me out) Dave (being the plant guru that he is) managed to finagle (sp?) us a LIVE tree...still in its bucket and everything! So when we're done with it this year all we have to do is either plant it in the backyard or put it in a bigger bucket so we can use it next year! :) Cool, eh?!
And, rather than incandescent Christmas lights, we bought a strand of sweet lookin' LED Christmas lights. They use less energy, last longer, look cooler, and are just all around better! From HolidayLEDs (where we bought these bad boys):
Energy Scrooge™
So cool! :) We got these pretties:

Anyway, once we get the tree all set up and the coolio lights on it I'll get a picture up! :)
Merry Christmas!
What do I mean by GREEN Christmas? Well, in this case I mean we've greened our tree. Meaning that this year, rather than chop a tree down or buy a plastic one (sorry, but PVCs skeeve me out) Dave (being the plant guru that he is) managed to finagle (sp?) us a LIVE tree...still in its bucket and everything! So when we're done with it this year all we have to do is either plant it in the backyard or put it in a bigger bucket so we can use it next year! :) Cool, eh?!
And, rather than incandescent Christmas lights, we bought a strand of sweet lookin' LED Christmas lights. They use less energy, last longer, look cooler, and are just all around better! From HolidayLEDs (where we bought these bad boys):
Energy Scrooge™
Replacing 70 bulbs with LEDs is like
152 trees
1,274 Kilowatts of Electricity
1,975 lbs of Co2
$140.14 in electricity
So cool! :) We got these pretties:

Anyway, once we get the tree all set up and the coolio lights on it I'll get a picture up! :)
Merry Christmas!
Eco greatness!
You guys HAVE to check out this site! It's amazing!

Not to mention that the little icon is absolutely adorable! hehe :) What is it? From their website:

Not to mention that the little icon is absolutely adorable! hehe :) What is it? From their website:
Blue Egg is an online magazine covering “green, for the rest of us.” We write about how to live a little more sustainably—without abandoning style, comfort, or your price consciousness.
So if you need a one-stop spot to learn about all things "eco," this is definitely the place to go! My favorite thing is the Tip of the Day. Very handy little diddy! So enjoy and let me know what you think of the place. ;)
Oh man.
Geeze wuhleeze. Look at this mess!
You can reduce your risk for diabetes by:
I guess it was only a matter of time, huh? Lately this is all that has been consuming my thoughts. I am SO overweight. Morbidly so, actually, and my risk of getting type 2 diabetes is progressively skyrocketing. And now, here it is, in black, white, and RED. *sigh* There's no ignoring it now.
Man, seeing it all out in the open is scary! I don't wanna get the sugar diabetes (as a precious priest of a man so calls it in my Friday clinicals). I tested this morning (fasting) and got 117. According to the American Diabetes Association, here are the new numbers as to "normal" for a fasting blood draw:

Yea, so I'm cutting it close. REAL close. A little too close for my comfort. So, since Dave's mom and I have joined weight watchers again I'm REALLY hoping that it will help me get OUT of the pre-diabetic state since it is reversible. I'm also going to start a training program with my nursing gals Kelly and Lindsey. :) I think it will be fun since I won't be doing it by myself. Heh.
So, consider this my PSA for the day. Watch what you eat, exercise daily, and do all you can to keep yourself healthy. Your life depends on it.
Diabetes Risk Test Results
Scoring: | |
0 - 2 | Very Low Risk |
3 - 9 | Low to Medium Risk |
10+ | High Risk |
You have scored 11 points . You are at high risk for having type 2 diabetes. Only your health care provider can determine if you have diabetes. At your next office visit, find out for sure.
You can reduce your risk for diabetes by:
- Keeping your weight in control (or losing weight if you are overweight)
- Staying active most days of the week
- Eating low fat meals high in fruits, vegetables and whole grain foods
For more information, call 1-800-DIABETES (1-800-342-2383) Monday through Friday, 9 am – 8 pm (EST).
I guess it was only a matter of time, huh? Lately this is all that has been consuming my thoughts. I am SO overweight. Morbidly so, actually, and my risk of getting type 2 diabetes is progressively skyrocketing. And now, here it is, in black, white, and RED. *sigh* There's no ignoring it now.
Man, seeing it all out in the open is scary! I don't wanna get the sugar diabetes (as a precious priest of a man so calls it in my Friday clinicals). I tested this morning (fasting) and got 117. According to the American Diabetes Association, here are the new numbers as to "normal" for a fasting blood draw:
Yea, so I'm cutting it close. REAL close. A little too close for my comfort. So, since Dave's mom and I have joined weight watchers again I'm REALLY hoping that it will help me get OUT of the pre-diabetic state since it is reversible. I'm also going to start a training program with my nursing gals Kelly and Lindsey. :) I think it will be fun since I won't be doing it by myself. Heh.
So, consider this my PSA for the day. Watch what you eat, exercise daily, and do all you can to keep yourself healthy. Your life depends on it.
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